Documentary Impact Producers Relief Fund
The Documentary Impact Producer Relief Fund will provide grants of up to $4,000 to help alleviate the acute hardships faced by freelance impact producers working anywhere in the world in this time of economic uncertainty. Freelance and sole-proprietor impact producers, especially those from under resourced and underrepresented groups, are uniquely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which has exacerbated the spectrum of historic inequalities they face. While emergency relief resources alone cannot address long-term career stability, the intent of this fund is to ensure impact producers, who we believe are vital to the documentary ecosystem, remain financially stable enough to continue this important work.
What, or Who, is an Impact Producer? Am I an Impact Producer?
The Impact Producer is responsible for maximizing a film’s potential for social change. Responsibilities may vary based on the film’s content and defined distribution goals, but often include strategy development, issue mapping, brain trust facilitation, organizational partnership development and management, digital content production and engagement, and impact evaluation and measurement. An Impact Producer may also coordinate and/or oversee a film’s semi-theatrical screening campaign and release. The Impact Producer may also play a role in story development and fundraising, beginning as early as pre-production.
You may have performed some of the roles above but with a different job title. Tell us about that when you apply. Some filmmakers are also the Impact Producer on their own films, designing and delivering campaigns separate from the film’s distribution, but without taking that additional credit. We see you. If you are such a filmmaker, and have not been eligible for other relief programmes designed for filmmakers, you may apply here.
There will be three funding rounds with open and close dates:
Round 2: July 10th (Open)
Round 3: August 12th (Open)