Sources 2 Script Development Workshop
Sources 2 is an advanced training programme for European film professionals working in the field of script and story development. Since 1992 the Dutch foundation has been working with the support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Community, now Creative Europe / MEDIA and its national partners representing public and private organisations throughout Europe.
The programme is open to feature-length film projects addressing a broad international audience: Feature films and creative documentaries for the screen (cinema, television, other platforms).
Submission requirements include:
- Feature films: treatment or script draft.
- Creative documentaries: presentation at a basic stage of development.
Women in focus!
The upcoming Script Development Workshop in spring 2020 offers an additional opportunity: A special work group for projects featuring women’s stories, female perspectives, powerful female characters.
Sources 2 Script Development Workshop
Each workshop is a three-month process involving three to four groups per max. five projects each guided by one adviser.
The working language is English.
- Seven-day residential workshop with group and one-to-one sessions incl. supplementary programme.
- Three-month re-writing period in close contact with other group members and coached by the advisers.
- Follow-up session of one day per project (conceived as a group meeting, e.g. a group with five projects would meet for five days). Exceptionally, an individual one-day meeting with the adviser would be possible instead.
Workshop in Luxembourg 26 March – 3 April 2020 – application deadline is 1 December 2019