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On this page:

All about Fringing

Intimacy Protocols

Safety Contact Officers

DTIC Rebate Information

Virtual Workshop for the Draft Event Technical and Production Services Industry B-BBEE Sector Code

All about Fringing

The Covid-19 Pandemic and all the challenges that came with it highlighted the urgency for the IPO to be a properly-resourced organization to meet the needs of its members and the industry as a whole. A volunteer-based organisation does not have the capacity to deal with the challenges facing the sector or take advantage of the enormous potential it holds. We hired a temporary Covid-19 Crisis Manager Trish Downing in April 2020 and it’s become very apparent what a difference that has made to what services and support we can offer our members. This has been borne out in the surge of new members, the protocols developed, the engagements with broadcasters on COVID-19 costs and terms, developing submissions for and lobbying government, the screen sector relief funds and in many other ways.

We need to build on this success by capacitating the organisation properly and, given the current environment where membership fees are prohibitive, especially to emerging black producers, we wish to supplement the fees model with a fringing element. This would allow us to hire a full-time team, provide for legal and research support and ramp up our activities to better tackle the industry’s ongoing challenges and opportunities. A professional industry needs a professional industry body to achieve its full potential.

Following the resolution taken at the 2020 AGM where fringing was adopted. we held a webinar to unpack the application of fringing and how this will impact your membership and production budgets.

You can download a short presentation on fringing here.

Intimacy Protocols

The 14 April 2021 saw the launch of the ‘Protocols for Working with Intimate Content in TV, Film and Associated Media – South Africa’. These guidelines have been created and compiled in consultation with The South African Screen Federation, The Independent Producers Organisation, The Personal Managers’ Association, South African Guild of Actors, South African Guild of Editors, Sisters Working in Film and Television, The Writers’ Guild of South Africa, The Casting Directors’ Association, the Independent Black Filmmakers Collective and Intimacy Practitioners South Africa.

These South African audiovisual industry organisations have been working collectively on the protocols for the last 15 months and hope that these will provide guidance to all in the industry as to how to keep cast and crew safe when working with intimate content. Intimate content can be defined as any moment of personal contact executed by a performer while appearing in a scene, and will also include any nudity or semi-nudity.

These protocols will not only let actors and their agents know what questions they should be asking at auditions, through contracting, onto set and into post-production, they’ll also help all audiovisual industry practitioners throughout the value chain – so writers, producers, crew and editors will know what steps they can take to  help them deal with intimate content in a safe, respectful and creative way.

Please find the Protocols to download here and if you want to discuss them at all, or require any further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: Kate Lush in*****************@gm***.com

The Intimacy Protocols are supported by the following industry organizations:

Safety Contact Officers

How do we fight sexual harassment in the TV & film industry?

No need to feel uninformed or neglected if you want to handle or prevent sexual harassment in your production. SWIFT has been taking the lead from 2020 to develop a programme and a process that will assist industry members to deal with complaints related to sexual harassment and sexual violence in our sector. Originally focused on on-set behaviour only, the IPO and SASFED has also consulted and ensured that systems and processes set up in this regard cover the entire value chain working to eliminate this scourge from the writers’ room through to the edit suite.

This is a difficult and ongoing process as the sector, with so many freelancers, is not ideally set up to deal with either the emotional or legal ramifications that both complainants and the alleged perpetrator are subjected to. To this end, SWIFT has introduced a Safety Office programme employing social workers who are skilled and trained to manage these difficult processes, with the aim of setting up a permanent office that will assist with training in production houses and on set.

Trained safety contact officers with a background in social work & psychology are on stand-by to assist your cast and crew in person, virtually, or via the call centre. The qualified safety contact officers can do the session during your lunch hour or whenever suits your production schedule.

The safety contact officer project is made possible by the Embassy of Sweden in SA,
Department of Sports, Arts and Culture and German Development Corporation.

Contact details:
Email: sc*@sw*****.za
SMS line: 43101


The South African Government offers a package of incentives to promote its film production and post-production industry, the current guidelines have been extended to 31 March 2018. The window for receiving new application will continue as normal and it is open up until 31 March 2018. The payment of claims is conditional on prospective applicants meeting all the South African Film and Television Production Incentive Programme requirements and subject to the availability of funds. The incentive programmes include:

Virtual Workshop for the Draft Event Technical and Production Services Industry B-BBEE Sector Code

On the 13th of February, Quinton Fredericks, representing the IPO, led a virtual workshop to discuss the Draft Event Technical and Production Services Industry B-BBEE Sector Code. This workshop served as a platform for constructive dialogue, allowing participants to contribute their insights and suggestions. The full recording of this informative workshop is available in the link found HERE. (Please note the video below is only an excerpt.)

Furthermore, in our ongoing commitment to transparency and inclusivity, we extend an invitation for you to actively participate in the public engagement process for this sector code. Your input is vital in ensuring a fair and democratic finalisation of the document.

To share your valuable comments, please send an email to ad***********@ip*.za or co************@ip*.za">co************@ip*.za.

We highly appreciate your engagement and assure you that all comments will be meticulously tabulated for consideration in the finalisation process.

For your convenience, the latest draft document is available HERE.

Thank you for your continued support and active involvement in shaping the future of our industry.