IPO Comment on DAC Press Release

IPO, Johannesburg 11 February 2019: The Independent Producer Organisation (IPO) notes, with cautious optimism, the Department of Arts and Cultures’ (DAC) recent press release regarding its efforts to “clean house” at its respective entities (read it here).

The Organisation encourages the Minister to continue this momentum by handing over the  “Comperio” forensic report to the relevant authorities for possible prosecution of the implicated individuals named in it.

Further to this, we urge the Minister to announce on the new CEO of the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF), whose continued delayed appointment undermines the Minister’s efforts to “clean house”.  This delay is all too familiar to an organisation that has been enshrouded in a dark cloud of mismanagement and poor leadership in recent times.

The IPO would also like to thank the Minister for the recent “South African Film Summit”, as well as his commitment to making it a yearly event.  We believe that this is a positive step forward to solving the critical challenges the industry is currently facing.