SA/ New Zealand Co-production Workshop

The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) and the New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) are organising a 1-day co-production workshop between the two countries. The workshop will be held virtually on the 29th of October 2021.

The workshop is part of the ongoing collaboration between the two institutions to strengthen the cooperation in the film industry between New Zealand and South Africa. It also aims to encourage co-productions within the framework of the co-production treaty existing between the two countries.

This is the second such workshop hosted by these bodies. The first one was held in Wellington, New Zealand, in 2013, and the NFVF and the NZFC have arranged regular in-person networking events at key markets, such as Cannes, over the years since. For more information about the treaty, kindly view the following link:

The workshop specifically aims to create a platform for South African filmmakers/producers with developed feature film projects to meet with their fellow New Zealand producers and find potential partners with a view to co-produce their projects.  In order to be considered for the co-production workshop, a project must meet the eligibility criteria outlined below:

  1. The project must be either a feature-length (fiction and documentary) or an animation film project.
  2. The project must have a director and producer attached to it.
  3. Film producers and directors are either citizens or permanent residents of South Africa and New Zealand.
  4. Previous industry experience is required. The director and producer must have experience in their respective role (no less than one feature film for the producer, at least 2 shorts for the director and/or 2 TV drama series).

Send your complete application by email to: [co************@nf**.za / co************@nz****.nz) To be considered, applications must include the following: Cover letter, Synopsis and Director’s and Producer’s profiles. The closing date for applications is 22 October 2021.

Enquiries may be sent to: NFVF: Terrence Khumalo: te*******@nf**.za.