IPO Information Session: Fringing

The IPO has found how sorely lacking a strong Executive Director was during the COVID-19 pandemic. A volunteer-based organisation does not have the capacity to deal with the challenges facing the sector or take advantage of the enormous potential it holds. We hired a temporary Emergency Co-ordinator Trish Downing for the crisis and it’s become very apparent what a difference that has made to what services and support we can offer our members. This has been borne out in the surge of new members, the protocols developed, the engagements with broadcasters on COVID-19 costs and terms, the screen sector relief funds and in many other ways.
We wish to build on this success by capacitating the organisation properly, and given the current environment where membership fees are prohibitive, esp. to emerging black producers, we wish to supplement the fees model with a fringing element. This would allow us to hire a full-time Executive Director and ramp up our activities.
Following on from the resolution at the 2020 AGM where fringing was adopted, we now invite you to an information session to engage with the practical application of fringing and how this will impact your membership and production budgets.
Thursday 22 April at 3-4pm via Zoom (details will be sent you)
Speakers: Mike Auret and Luke Rous

Please  email ad***********@ip*.za">ad***********@ip*.za if you have any queries.