The Time To Fringe Is Here

Dear valued IPO members,

We require your urgent attention and action. The IPO is at a financial crossroads and It has become essential that the IPO transition to an administration funded by fringing.

We simply do not have funds to sustain the level and complexity of work the organisation is required to do, and should be doing, to respond to government; to elevate the industry profile locally and internationally; to implement development and transformation programmes and provide proper support and services to our members.

Our fringing policy was approved for adoption by members at our AGMs and engagements between 2020 and 2022. The current Exco was tasked by you, our members, to implement the policy at the last AGM and all Exco members have committed to fringing their productions. The first production fringe will be paid this month by your Chairperson, Tshepiso Chikapa Phiri. Fringing is now an official policy of the IPO, required of IPO member companies and details are in the documents below.

There are numerous ways in which a properly capacitated IPO will be able to serve producers and grow our industry. Our guiding policy documents contain full details on what fringing will enable, how it will be managed and what the rates are:

Fringing rates and benefits summary
Fringing deck
Fringing Policy narrative
Fringing FAQs

Our team members will be in contact to discuss your production slate and the process hereon.

We see this as a significant moment for us all in the industry. We have a chance to shift into a new and exciting era of growth, with the promise to collectively achieve new heights.

We sincerely look forward to your engagement,

Your Exco