WGSA Skills Lab in June 2021
The Writers Guild of South Africa (WGSA) in collaboration with the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture (DSAC) has developed a basic screenwriting course for emerging screenwriters, which has been translated into all South African official languages. The Skills Lab will cover the following main areas:
- Screenwriting is a Job.
- Script.
- Story.
- Structure.
The course is very practical and the intended outcome is that each participant will complete a short film script over the two and a half day course. The course is FREE to WGSA members. If you are not yet a member, you can apply below by clicking here. Please note that the WGSA offers a payment plan as well. Registration closes on 23 June 2021 at 12h00.
Only 10 participants per class will be allowed and all COVID REGULATIONS must be adhered to. Once selected, the WGSA will expect participants to attend the full course, and arrive on time. Refreshments (water, tea and coffee) and a light lunch will be served on the Saturday and Sunday. Selected participants will receive the full address of the venue. To apply to attend the above courses (an applicant may only apply for one of the courses), please click here.